Thursday, February 10, 2011

We are all just one

I know that I am the outcome of a lottery game. I am just a ticket number, let's say, 308,547. Just like in a raffle, where all numbers have a prize, be it a toaster or a TV set. Only that I am not sure if a I could be the proverbial toaster, or a pressing iron or a vacuum cleaner. The thing is that I am Augusto Rufasto, son of Augusto and Virginia. I am IT, and there's no discussion about that. I am lucky enough to be alive, to have been born to this world. But as well, it come to my attention, I could have been the neighbors' kid, whose name is another one, whose attributes largely differ from mine. I could have been another person! I could... have been... So what if...? Yes, what if I actually am that somebody else, in a "parallel" reality? According to this viewpoint, I am everybody, therefore. Also, with a smooth extension of this line of thinking, I am probably just a "point of view" of a whole being, just like there are infinite corners from which a three dimensional object can be watched, then the person who I feel that I am is just only one of these points of view.

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