Thursday, February 10, 2011

If we want to get good things from life

We get what we feel we deserve. The way this statement works in our life is very specific.

Some people translated this statement in the following: "the size of the meal we are served equals the size of the plate we hold before the server". I'm not quoting it with deep accuracy, but trying instead to express the sense of the statement.

Anyhow, what is in discussion here is the validity of such a statement. What we think and feel and believe we deserve is what life puts on our plates. This implies that those who think they deserve a big plate of meat and potatoes will be served a big plate with with meat and potatoes. And those who think they deserve nothing more than a tiny leaf of parsley, will be served that precisely, and nothing else. If the statement acts with the firmness and steadiness of a law, then everybody will request their servers to put big tasty things on their plates and not just little food with no nutritional value. But then, we can see all the time that lots of people live lives with lack of good experiences and lack of valuable goods. In other words, there's not meat and potatoes for everybody, just for a few ones. Of course we are tempted to argue that no sane mind will result in commanding such a poor dinner. So, how does it happen that a lot of people get too little in live?

It all depends on perception. Perception acts deeply in our subconscious, and the subconscious feeds back our self with ideas and suggested actions. A negative perception carries negative feelings to the subconscious, which on time will carry back terrible suggestions to us. And we will do as the subconscious suggests, for it processes immense batches of information and gets to conclusions by itself that are to us mandatory to follow.

I see this as analogous with what happens with a food processor. If we put bad raw food in it, we get prepared food of inferior quality. It's the well known problem of output depending upon input. Now, the problem becomes more serious after a while of we using the food processor with bad input. It will happen that if we pout some good raw food in it, some parts of the processor that have been spoiled because of being treating bad food are going to perform in a bad way. So actually we have now a second and harder to take care of problem: how to clean the whole processing system? If we try to input good thoughts in our subconscious and we never get any stable improvements in our mechanism to get the desired conditions in life, then we would probably need to clean the whole mechanism of processing ideas. Often what happens is that we state our good intentions for the new year, and then drop one by one all of them, regarding the task of accomplishing our goals as an unsurmountable one.

Stimuli are necessary to clean the whole perception and idea processing system.

If you want to be happy, spend time with people that are like you, only happier. If you want to be rich, look for the ones that have interests common with yours, but are richer. If you want to be healthier, spend time with people that think like you and are also healthier.

Alas, not always would be that simple to "pick" your friends from a vast catalog of characters. Then I suggest this: to schedule everyday a mini session of good thoughts and visualizations. Let's say that at 8:00 a.m. you wake up and commit to think good thoughts, and assess the wellness of your feelings. You will be giving good food to your inner side, only in small amounts for starters. Perhaps after some weeks of doing this, you will be able to stretch the session and make it last for half a day. This good food for your soul will certainly strengthen the mechanism of perception and tune it up to the positive side, which will in turn clean your soul of negativity and give you the energy and determination to acquire all the good things that you long in life.

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