Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Human Being, the Supreme Creature

One day, a visitor came to Earth. He was a perfect man, and by perfect, I stick to the primary meaning of the word: accomplished. His body built was efficient, achieved through special exercises and care, he looked like an athlete ready for the Olympics. With majestic poise he cared to stroll between the people from our time and space, he was looked with admiration and a little bit of uneasiness. But he remained cool all the time, his business was very particular, he wanted to assess us.

And so he found out that people were really stupid, that they were like little kids with a position and money, doing what little kids with a position and money wil do. They called themselves mature, but mature they weren't.

Men with money caring about buying bigger cars for themselves, spending more money in pleasures of the body, favoring technologies that released them from body efforts and withering like dry straw at the age of thirty-five. Men killing other men in order to claim possession of lands, sometimes under the pretext of protecting their nations. Killing, destroying, vexing myriads of others under an oath of protection of ideals that were prettier in their statement than solid in their substance. Men teasing other men to going to war, men teasing people to buy goods that posioned the body and the mind. Men running towards slef-destruction with a merry chant of concordance to the pursuit of an imaginary comfort. He saw lots of things, negative things, in us. And he stated a sour conclusion: humanity was consumed by an endemic and supreme idiocy, men were rejoicing themselves in a world of mud, their eyes covered in thick dirt turning them uncapable to see the truth: that progress come from the inner side of us, and never from what's outside us.

The smartest man in the world, a human from another time, saw with regret that people were misusing the functionality of their minds. And he asked himself if he was there to save humanity from ultimate destruction. He meditated for days about what he learned. The truth is he had the power to transform the world by himself, he was the perfect man, he really could do it. It wasn't his world. though, for he had been only visiting. He decided in the end not to do anything. There was something sinister in the situation of the world he saw. It reminded him of an experiment gone amok. Perhaps these people were not human beings as he was, endowed with exquisite and powerful talents, but just some ape-like creatures, looking like humans but really just moronic beings. It was so sinister that he told himself that he didn't, couldn't understand our world. And to think that he was a million times smarter than the smartest person form our world.

So he decided to leave, perfectly aware of the dark ages about to unfold over mankind.

This... this doesn't need to happen. It is my certainty that he was wrong, and that we can still steer our world to clearer days, to peace and beauty and the elimination of corruption in the government and in corporations.

Let's do it together: let us show this perfect human that we, being the babies we still are, have nevertheless enough intelligence to pull ourselves out from a vortex of ruin and flower a new higher level of society, full of joy and void of human suffering, hunger and the drive to kill the other.

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