Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mind Teasing

I arrived today to a long awaited conclusion, a reasoning new but old at the same time. Our lives are just a lie. But this not in a "bad" way, just in a "this-is-what-really-it's-going-on" way. Open your eyes! Because you are asleep, and dreaming. I had, minutes ago, a heavy dream. I call a heavy dream one in which I see myself threatened, and I'm powerless, completely unable to do anything. I feel that I am doomed. It' so real! And, again, there's no way out, no solution, just the unavoidable danger plummeting over me. I know that I'm doomed. Again: it's so real! You wouldn't be able to see that the events are not happening in real life, just in a world of dreams.

Of course, you see where I am heading to: if we can be teased this way while we're sleeping, why shouldn't we believe that our whole life is in reality a dream? This reasoning seems to be a minute gratuitous, but is it? We sleep, and then our mind creates a whole tangible world in which we live several adventures that feel real. But in the "real" world happen lots of things that should be assessed as non sequitur. There's extraordinary luck, for instance. There is such thing as extraordinary luck. Extraordinary good luck violates the groundings of statistics. But then, again, there's recurrent bad luck, which is more tolerated by our mind than good luck, while should be considered equally improbable. There is people who have everything to succeed but live a life of failures. And here is where I feel the presence of a substantial mind teaser: we live lives that make sense to a tiny ghost, and if this tiny ghost believes in a stream of defeats, then a script of an unsuccessful life will be written in our books, and we will live such a life, inevitably.

But I am a science lover, so I will leave open a window, the possibility that all that my conclusion of our minds teasing us and making us believe things that are not real is wrong. Then we have little to do in order to re-create our personal universe, the one that is centered in the body and mind of each one of us. Then this life, in a whole with its environment, escapes, in the end, our control. Believing my concept of a world and life subject to the teases of mind can lead us to try and control our lives. And this may prove to be ineffective, if I'm wrong. But... if I'm right... then this drive and strive to handle the steering wheel of that tiny ghost that is the teasing mind will result in teasing again ourselves, but in a beautiful way, in a way that will allow us to perceive that everything that we want, or believe that we want from life is becoming tangible, real.

And if in that case the savvy reader would say "nothing is real", this statement, which I believe to be a possible and probable scenario for the existence of the human being, should not be received with sadness, but with joy. We become aware of the existence of a mind driven reality, flexible to our wishes and desires, we waiver the being aware of a hard reality, a source of pain and disappointment.

Yes, I can be wrong, but I will give it a try, I'm trying now to transform my life just by steering, at will, my mind.

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